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We are flavour creators

Developing flavourings that meet your technical, marketing and budgetary constraints: get the expertise of a consultant flavourist.

Flavour houses, we are here to support your R&D department. We have the latest knowledge of the various sweet markets in Europe, Africa and the Middle East for a wide range of applications. We are also able to support you in your sugar and fat reduction projects or in the development of masking solutions. We will use our technical and creative approach to help you develop the best flavour solutions to meet your customers' demands and to differentiate you from your competitors.

Whether it is a reactive or proactive assignment, projects sometimes arrive irregularly and it is not always easy to respond quickly to satisfy all your customers. We can provide regular or one-off assistance during these busy periods to help you with your flavour development projects.

We intervene in formulation, project management or tasting within your company, in full respect of your confidentiality policy.

wave splitting

A few examples of flavour creation services

flavour development thumbnail
Creation or matching of a flavouring or range of flavourings
upgrading flavour library thumbnail
Evaluation and upgrading of your flavour library
market trends thumbnail
Proactive formulation of flavourings to meet future market trends
rationalisation thumbnail
Rationalisation of ranges or formulas for the purpose of simplification
business starting thumbnail
Advice on starting a flavour development business
flavour training thumbnail
Training of your technical or commercial teams
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alcoholic beverages thumbnail
Alcoholic beverages
non-alcoholic beverages thumbnail
Non-alcoholic beverages
dairy products thumbnail
Dairy products
biscuits and bakery thumbnail
Biscuits, bakery
ice cream thumbnail
Ice cream
confectionery thumbnail
food supplements thumbnail
Food supplements

Our areas of expertise

These are the areas in which we have the most experience. It is naturally the ones in which we are most at ease to create your own flavourings or matches. We are not equipped to develop powder flavourings.

We attach great importance to the quality of the work we provide, so as soon as a request does not seem to fall within our area of expertise, we discuss it with you to find the best solution together. In some cases, we can also work with a partner service provider if we consider that this is preferable for your project.

wave splitting
wave splitting
flavour creation lab of Your Flavourist

Our R&D lab to develop your flavourings

We are happy to welcome you to our own R&D lab in Paris at any time! It is fully equipped to conduct your projects, including flavour creation or flavour matching, but also food product development, and to provide tailor-made training.

Find out more
wave splitting

Contact us now!

We respond to all requests made to us.

Contact us

What is a good flavouring?

photo of Quentin Reyt, consultant flavourist at Your Flavourist

« A good flavouring is first and foremost a balanced flavouring that will fit harmoniously into its final recipe. Each raw material must have a role to play, without standing out too much among the other aromatic notes. Authenticity is essentially achieved with surprising raw materials, often powerful, sometimes unpleasant, present in tiny quantities, hardly perceptible in the final recipe but capable of transmitting the WOW effect. »

Quentin Reyt, consultant flavourist and taste expert