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A powerful flavour and sensory language for the evaluation of your products

Get the expertise of a consultant flavourist to carry out relevant and repeatable evaluations of your products, and to develop a personalised flavour and sensory language perfectly adapted to your needs.

The food and beverage products you work with are sometimes complex to describe and characterise.

You do not always have the appropriate vocabulary or descriptors when you control the sensory quality of these products, when you evaluate their organoleptic stability, when you compare them to other references on the market, or when you communicate internally within your R&D and externally with your partners.

We can conduct your evaluations for you, or help you set up a precise process for your evaluations. We can also develop for you, within the framework of a rigorous and personalised approach, an adapted flavour and sensory language which will facilitate your evaluations and make you more autonomous.

wave splitting

A few examples of flavour language and evaluation services

flavour language thumbnail
Development of a flavour and sensory language adapted to your products
flavour evaluation thumbnail
Flavour and sensory evaluation of your products
training thumbnail
Training of your teams in product evaluation with implementation of processes
difference analysis thumbnail
Analysis of aromatic and sensory differences following a change of recipe or ingredient
benchmark thumbnail
Benchmarking your products against the market
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alcoholic beverages thumbnail
Alcoholic beverages
non-alcoholic beverages thumbnail
Non-alcoholic beverages
dairy products thumbnail
Dairy products
biscuits and bakery thumbnail
Biscuits, bakery
ice cream thumbnail
Ice cream
confectionery thumbnail
food supplements thumbnail
Food supplements

Our areas of expertise

These are the areas in which we have the most experience. It is naturally the ones in which we are most at ease to assist you in developing your flavour and sensory language and in your product evaluations. We also sometimes work on other types of products, such as meat products or snacks for example.

We attach great importance to the quality of the work we provide, so as soon as a request does not seem to fall within our area of expertise, we discuss it with you to find the best solution together. In some cases, we can also work with a partner service provider if we consider that this is preferable for your project.

wave splitting
wave splitting
furnished and equipped kitchen in the lab of Your Flavourist

Our R&D lab to support your flavour and sensory language and evaluation

We are happy to welcome you to our own R&D lab in Paris at any time! It is fully equipped to conduct your projects, including flavour and sensory evaluation, food product development, flavour creation and tailor-made training.

Find out more
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We respond to all requests made to us.

Contact us

Why have a personalised flavour and sensory language?

photo of Quentin Reyt, consultant flavourist at Your Flavourist

« Imagine you're asked to describe the Eiffel Tower in full. You will probably have the right words: shape, size, colour, materials... You might even be able to draw it in a recognisable way. Now imagine describing the aromatic notes of a raspberry. Being accurate and understandable to everyone becomes a much more complex task! However, by associating sensory descriptors with aromatic compounds, it's possible to create a common and consensual language for any product family. This language can then be used to draw the complete organoleptic profile of each product in the family, to compare products with each other, or to precisely define the target taste of a product in an R&D approach. »

Quentin Reyt, consultant flavourist and taste expert